So the congestion of the bottleneck nodes would increase loss rate and jitter of voice packets. Using the features of the broadcasting of the wireless channel and the short length of voice packets, the merging algorithm merged several voice frames Cheap Lacoste Polo Shirts together to transport. The neighbor nodes filtered the frame after receiving the whole frame. This algorithm let the bottleneck nodes send more voice packets in each opportunity of getting the chi hair straightener channel. It decreased delay caused by channel contending and the spending of frame chi flat iron header. Through the implementation of piggybacking method, the adaptive backoff mechanism let a relay node which had stored more voice packets have higher priority to send frames. It can reduce the probability of frame collision and the problem of packet loss and delay caused by the overflowing of the sending buffer in relay nodes.First, this paper introduces the characteristic of Ad Hoc network which is different from the traditional network and is not fit to voice transporting, the effect of the chi hair straighteners congestion caused by bottleneck nodes to the performance of voice and the ralph lauren polo shirts related work of resolving the network congestion. Then it analyzes the main factors which affects the performance of voice transmission and the current research developments of discount wedding dresses . Finally, to address the effect of the bottleneck nodes, this paper presented merging algorithm and adaptive backoff algorithm and analyzed them with theory and simulation separately. The simulation results showed that the algorithms could not only decrease delay and jitter of voice packets, but also increase network throughput.
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