The wireless mobile Ad Hoc networks is a distributied, instant self- organized autonomous and multi-hop system of a muster of wireless mobile nodes that are capable of communicating with each other over wireless links, which is a wireless system without a fixed infrastructure. The chief difference between the wireless moblie Ad Hoc networks and conventional cellular technology is the apparent lack of a centralized entity within an Ad Hoc networks. There are no base stations or mobile switching centers in an Ad Hoc networks. Recently, the wireless mobile Ad Hoc networks become the hot spot of communication domain due to its flexible, convenient mobility support.But the completely distributional characteristic in the wireless mobile Ad Hoc networks proposes a series of complex challenges for the network security design. Some nodes inevitably execute misbehavior, by violating the network protocol for their own benefit to gain the more network resource. In the wireless mobile Ad Hoc networks, how to use the limited wireless channel fairly and reasonably becomes an important topic. Because the lack of cooperation algorithm and the central infrastructure, which cause the fixed network mechanism to be unable to apply in the wireless mobile Ad Hoc networks, therefore in this thesis we propose two solutions in view of the misbehavior to some existing works.Firstly, the misbehaviors exist in the the DCF mechanism of IEEE 802.11 protocol, the misbehaving node may wait for smaller backoff intervals than well-behaved node,so it can occupancy the channel for a long time to transmit the data, that causes the others can’t transmit.